The Diocese of Norwich has recently embraced a new Vision – Transformed by Christ: Prayerful, Pastoral, Prophetic. So, to support our ‘Prayerful’ focus in the Vision’s first year, I’m offering a prayer a day during Lent 2022. And in fact, because I’ve decided to include the six Sundays of Lent and to end with Easter Day itself, that’s actually 47 (not 40) prayers!
How have I chosen the prayers? Well, some of my choices were triggered by special days in the calendar or by biblical readings set for that day. Others have emerged out of what’s been going on in the world around us. I’ve deliberately spread the net wide and drawn on prayers from across the globe, centuries and traditions. Each prayer will be accompanied by a reflection, an image and often by a musical setting too.
I hope you’ll find things here that are thought-provoking and enriching as well as consoling, uplifting and hopeful. If you’d like to hear what others make of the prayers, why not gather together a little group (virtually or in person) to discuss and reflect upon the previous week’s offerings?
- The Revd Canon Susanna Gunner, Diocesan Adviser for Spirituality and Discipleship